Are you ready to join the battle for men’s souls?
Membership in the NCMM offers opportunities and alliances which will prove vital to building your ministry’s success. But more than that, you have an opportunity to help other leaders shape the direction of the men’s discipleship movement. NCMM is the sum of its members – we are involved to serve one another so that each of us is more effective than we could be alone.
One of the greatest benefits of membership is that you become part of a national movement to join in brotherhood, unity, and mission in order to increase the overall effectiveness of reaching and discipling men in America. We want to help the local church present every man in America with a credible offer of the gospel, encourage them to pursue God, and equip them for spiritual service in the home, workplace, community, and world.
We want to help you fulfill your call and reach your vision. We want to equip you, and offer you tools that will make your ministry successful. If you would like to respond to this call to band together, to build brotherhood and unity, join today!

Tier 1 – Apprentice
This tier targets individuals who minister to men or boys on a part-time, volunteer basis. They may lead a men’s Bible study, a men’s ministry program in a church, a boy’s group or sports team. NCMM connects apprentices to the larger men’s ministry community and helps them identify tools that can help their men flourish.
Membership: $29/yr.
Benefits: Apprentices gain access to promote their events on our Upcoming Men’s Ministry Event Calendar and post to our Free Resources for Christian Men page. Apprentices receive a free book every year, discounted admission to the NCMM National Gathering and access to our members-only Facebook page. Apprentices may also attend regional meetups where they can meet other disciple-makers.

Tier 2 – Journeyman
These are typically part-time professional ministers or organizations. They earn some income from their ministry pursuits, but are not full-time professionals. Journeymen are often authors and speakers who are looking for opportunities to share what they’ve learned. They may also be founders of small ministry organizations that focus on specific men’s issues.
Membership: $10/mo. or $99/yr.
Benefits: Journeymen receive all the benefits of Apprentices (except the annual book), and also receive a listing in the NCMM online directory. Journeymen also gain access to post to our Top Podcasts for Christian Men, Best Men’s Ministry Curriculum for Men’s Small Groups, and Top Books for Christian Men pages, and can have their website blog RSS included in our Member Blog Feed. Journeymen may contribute to NCMM projects such as The Men’s Bible.

Tier 3 – Master
Masters are typically men’s ministry leaders who spend most of their time and earn most of their income from ministry-related pursuits. Masters are looking to expand their influence, build awareness of their resources and enter into strategic partnerships with like-minded individuals and organizations. They are fully engaged in discipleship and place a high value on networking with other men’s ministry professionals. Organizations with regional or national reach usually join as Masters. Paid church-based men’s ministers often join at the Master level.
Membership: $30/mo. or $299/yr.
Benefits: Masters receive all the benefits of Journeymen. They also gain access to posting their paid programs, courses, and mastermind groups to our Best Programs and Courses for Christian Men page. Masters may also offer discounted products to our mailing list via a monthly NCMM e-mail.

Tier 4 – Craftsman
Craftsmen are both members and sponsors of NCMM. This membership tier gathers the ministries that are “all in” with ministry to men. Craftsmen strengthen NCMM by joining at our highest level. Craftsmen include national and international ministry organizations, Christian films, conference ministries, etc.
Membership: $50/mo. or $499/yr.
Benefits: Craftsmen receive all the benefits of Masters plus one half-price admission to NCMM’s National Gathering.
Q: Who is membership open to? Is my ministry too small?
A: Membership in the National Coalition of Ministries to Men, at all levels, is open to any Christian parachurch/servant ministry or denominational ministry that seeks to minister to the issues and needs of men. Wherever you are at, we will come alongside you to help you grow.
Q: What does the application process entail?
A: The first step toward membership is the completion of the Application for Membership. After you submit your application to the NCMM office, you will be contacted by our Executive Director and someone from the Membership Team to further acquaint you with NCMM and answer any questions you may have. Your application will then be presented at the next monthly meeting of the NCMM Board of Directors for approval. Once approved, your payment will be processed and you will receive a certificate of membership by mail.
Q: How long will my membership last?
A: Membership is open-ended in duration, provided that membership fees are paid current. Membership is voluntary and may be withdrawn at any time via written request. Membership in the NCMM does not imply a blanket endorsement of either the NCMM by the member or vice versa. Membership does confirm mutual acceptance of the NCMM Relationship Agreement, which delineates the mission, vision statement, key strategy, and values of the NCMM.