Men Huddle
E-Mail: [email protected]
Cell Phone: 425-442-1110
Website: JeffKempTeam.com
1981-2021 – NFL platform used to share the gospel, personal testimony & God’s truth (Billy Graham Crusade Anaheim CA 1985).
1993-2010 – Fatherhood, Men & Marriage Speaking as president of Stronger Families (Athletes in Action Bart Starr Super Bowl Breakfast 2002)
(Pro Athletes Outreach, FCA events, Church events, Conference, Retreats)
2012 -2017 – FamilyLife Stepping Up Events, Iron Sharpens Iron events, Christian Men’s Network, churches, men’s ministries.
2018-2021 – JeffKempTeam & Men Huddle men focused mission, speaking and huddling
(Cornerstone Church San Antonio Men’s Retreat April 9-10, 2021)
For more information see: www.JeffKempTeam.com & www.FacingTheBlitz.com
Fees: Flexible as God leads (range has been free zooms, $1500-$5000) multiple events welcome. Coach Travel or mileage from Little Rock, Good Lodging or host home
References: Rod Handley (Character that Counts); Brian Doyle (Iron Sharpens Iron); Mitch Temple (Fatherhood CoMission)