Everyman is basically the same. Ultimately, we end up in the same place; Alone, Hiding, and feeling Disqualified–orphaned by Father God just like Gideon felt in the winepress. But the appearance of a Divine Messenger–which was God himself–called him out as a man blessed by God as a Mighty Warrior!
Gideon’s journey from a fearful farmer to the greatest Military Conqueror in recorded history is ours as well as we look carefully at the story and lock into his footsteps of worship and faithfulness.
My experience extends into corporate leadership training; mentoring senior management teams; published author (on Men’s Development) and as an Executive Coach to the C-Suite leaders from Fortune 500 organizations and middle market sized firms.
Art and his wife Sharon of 26 years, lives in Westlake Village, CA. They have five sons and four grandchildren.
CORE 300, Founder & President
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 818-851-9457 (work) 818-324-5720 (cell)
Website: www.core300.org
I’ve had a heart for men and the fatherless ever since my mentor, Pastor Jack Hayford, called me to servant-leadership as a 25-year-old salesperson. From leading my first small group at 26; stepping out of business to lead 11 church Janitors for 3 years on the graveyard shift and getting a degree in Pastoral Theology. After graduating, a door opened to lead a church in Louisiana where building godly men continued as a focus. 14 years and 2 churches later, I was called back to the marketplace where I helped 2 tech firms go public.
In 2000, we launched a strategy management consulting firm where we applied Biblical precepts to secular corporations where we trained 1000s of clients in executive leadership.
In 2007 tragedy struck our megachurch and families were scattering like rabbits. God awakened me to “Get out of the Stands and into the Arena” and in 2008 a door opened for me to I began training 200 men each week in three courses which God downloaded to me week by week. We saw the miracle of awakened men with a new purpose turn the church around.
Soon afterward we published “Called to War,” and a small team launched Core 300 with three 12-week semesters of men’s discipleship spiritual formation (The Warrior) and biblical leadership (The Priest and The King)
Since then, the practical messages of awakening and victory in spiritual warfare empowered men to come out from hiding, shame, and isolation, and stand firm in God’s Armor—bonded to a couple of other men.
The Servant Leadership study gave the men a clear compass into their purpose under God; as a son of the Father; a husband, father, and minister at work.
A 15,000 mile Course Correction
After launching the Warrior course in over 200 US churches, our Core team was invited to train East African ministers in Kenya in 2013. After the 3-day conference, the Spirit moved so profoundly upon the 610 attendees that it changed the entire focus of our mission.
By 2016 we had trained 20 indigenous Coordinators who had trained 2,600 ministers. A confidential survey of 366 pastor’s wives’ reported their man had been radically transformed!
By 2017 the stories had spread across the nation and the Kenyan Prison Services authorities asked us to take over all of their rehabilitation programs in 105 men’s prisons using the Scriptures to rebuild their souls so they would stop the expensive cycle of recidivism!
Today 18,000 souls–many of them pastors–gave their lives to Jesus for the first time– and have been coached by our 240 volunteer Kenyan and Ugandan Coordinators! Some 42,000 men have been changed and 95.5% have brought that change into their families.
Fees: $1,450 (honorarium). plus expenses.
References: John Gardella (Men’s Leader @ Calvary Westlake–Westlake Village, KS); John Gardner (Maximum Impact–Camarillo, CA); Rev. Barack Nyongesa (Core 300–Bungoma, Kenya)
Core 300 is a global, Spirit-led movement that awakens, trains, and transforms men through the active power of God’s Word using our 3-years of curricula and Holistic Ministry. Men are awakened, freed, and equipped to live their best life as disciples, husbands, fathers, and servant-leaders according to their purpose under God.