You can find freedom in Christ from unwanted sexual habits. There is hope. Romans 12:2-Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.
Dave and his wife of 30 years, Barbara, live in Chanhassen, MN. They have one son and one grandson.
Live Pure Ministries, Founder and President
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 651-247-9084
Website: www.DaveHowe.org
I founded a sexual integrity group at Grace Church (Eden Prairie, MN) in 2006, and then led it for ten years. The group is still going strong in 2022 with 70 men in groups. After leading for ten years I commenced on a three year writing journey that culminated in the completion of a devotional/workbook for men who want to win their purity battle. It’s called, “Live Pure and Free-The 90 Day Game Changer” published by Tristan Publishing.
I’ve been speaking to men since 2019. I have led purity breakout sessions at nine Iron Sharpens Iron Conferences in five states. I’m currently speaking about 4-6 times a year at men’s groups. I’ve also spoken at a grandparent group and gave a sermon on what the Bible says about sexuality.
*March 2, 2019 Iron Sharpens Iron; Omaha, NE
*March 23, 2019 Iron Sharpens Iron; Davenport, IA
*April 6, 2019 Iron Sharpens Iron; Cedar Rapids, IA.
*December 14, 2019 Eden Prairie Assembly of God; Eden Prairie, MN
*Feb 22, 2020 Iron Sharpens Iron; Orland Park, IL.
*Nov 6, 2020 Iron Sharpens Iron; Buffalo, NY.
Fees: Minimum $300, plus airfare and hotel.
References: Roy Abbott (Focal Point Ministries–Fulton, IA); Clark Osborn (Real Momentum–Omaha, NE); Dan Wobschall (Be Broken Ministries–Copperas Cove, TX)
Live Pure Ministries was established in 2014. Our vision is a world where all Christians walk in the Spirit, living free from lust. As it is written in Galatians 5:16-17, “So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh.”