Steve helps men pursue a life of purity, godliness, and integrity – discovering how to transform sinful thoughts and habits into patterns life that consistently glorify God.
Our message is always focused around equipping and training men how to consistently live in purity, integrity and godliness. In every Keynote, Seminar, Workshop, Sermon we do, Steve always opens God’s Word to reveal Biblical truths on becoming godly men who live sold out for God. Everything Steve teaches is built upon Scripture. Everything he shares is focused upon setting Christ as Lord.
Steve lives in Granger, IN.
The Pure Man Ministry, Founder & President
E-Mail: [email protected]
Cell Phone: 574-360-1141
Website: www.thepuritycoach.com
As an author, national speaker, and purity coach, Steve has dedicated his life to helping others live in a way that honors and glorifies God in everything we think, say, and do. Steve’s passion is to share God’s truth from God’s Word in a way that is engaging, encouraging, and challenging.
Fees: Negotiable. Steve will drive if venue is 8 hours or less from Northern Indiana / will fly if over 8 hours – travel expenses and lodging to be covered by Host
References: Bob Coats (American Baptist Men of Pennsylvania & Delaware); Dave Lawson (Get in the Game Men’s Conference); Phil Byars (Pastor FBC-Elkhart, IN)