No Regrets Men’s Ministry, President & Founder
E-Mail: [email protected]
Cell Phone: 414-719-9183
Website: www.menwithnoregrets.org
Steve has served 28 years as a men’s ministry pastor and speaker. He has spoken at Promise Keeper conferences, hundreds of men’s retreats and has trained leaders in over 30 countries.
Fees: I do not have a set fee, whatever the ministry can afford. On travel, cover airfare, hotel and meals.
References: Chris Van Brocklin (No Regrets); Kenny Luck (Every Man A Warrior); Steve Argue (Fuller Youth Institute)
Steve challenges men to grow in their walk with Christ and to influence the world they live in. He encourages and equip leaders of men to more effectively disciple the men of their church and community.
Steve lives in Brookfield, WI.