Joe helps men win and become champions at what matters (and frustrates them) most by providing them with biblical AND practical solutions in the areas of manhood, marriage, and their mission as the spiritual leaders of their homes. A man is only as strong as the team of godly men he has around him, so Joe shows men how to strategically build meaningful, lasting relationships with other men through intentional fellowship, brotherhood, and discipleship. Joe equips men with the God-confidence they need to succeed as the men, husbands, and fathers God created them to be.
Joe lives in Chattanooga, TN.
Real Men Connect, Inc., Founder
E-Mail: [email protected]
Cell Phone: 850-212-0227
Website: www.RealMenConnect.com
Joe has been a full-time, award-winning, professional speaker for the past 26 years, having given over 750+ paid presentations in all 50 states, including 4 different countries. He has also keynoted a dozen Iron Sharpens Iron Men’s Conferences.
Fees & Travel: Negotiable
References: Chris Ackerson (Every Man A Warrior); Brian Doyle (Iron Sharpens Iron); Tom Gensler (Relevant Practical Ministry to Men)