NCMM has a special partnership with a film called Run The Race. Executive Producers Tim and Robby Tebow have championed this story because it addresses manhood, fatherhood, and brotherhood. It is a film about trusting God and depending on others to run your race in life.

NCMM members can use showtimes to increase their ministries and their influence.
For $1000 you can invite 100 influencers that are supporters and potential supporters of your ministry. You can use this event to bless them with a night out at the movies. What better way for them to be inspired than to experience a film that speaks to the reason we do ministry to men? The movie will have them laughing and crying and ultimately asking the question, “How can I help strengthen families beginning with men?”
As their host for the evening you can speak to them before the film. Introduce your team. Thank them for coming. Use the platform to let them know they are valued.
At the conclusion of the film you could hand out information cards that allow them to give you their contact info. These cards could also allow them to contribute one-time or even ongoing gifts and pledges to your ministries. You can also have them submit prayer requests for your team to follow up on and encourage them with.
Most annual fundraisers through organizations like FCA range from $2,500 – $10,000 per event. Some of those costs are underwritten but often have to be covered out of the annual budget. You could ask one or two of your greatest supporters to help fund this event and all proceeds would go directly to your ministry budget.
The best part of this plan is that we have seen these types of films lead to spontaneous prayer, testimonies and even worship services…right there in the theater. You are putting a stake in the ground that the world has tried to claim.
Millions of dollars go into making these faith-based family-friendly films that lead people to Christ. Your ministry has the opportunity to take advantage of this investment to expand your impact and your influence.
Your showtime becomes your platform. Your ministry becomes an ambassador for the film but
We are inviting all members of NCMM to purchase a showtime and leverage Run The Race to serve you and the work God has called you to do!
If you are interested in taking part in this unique opportunity contact Claire Hoover at [email protected] for more information.